- 2025-02-26
US Intelligence Head ”berättas inte” om Storbritanniens hemliga Apple -databehov

Tulsi Gabbard, the head of US National Intelligence, says she was not informed in advance about the UK government’s demand to be able to access Apple customers’ encrypted data from anywhere in the world.In a letter, Ms Gabbard said she was seeking further information from the FBI and other US agencies.She said if the reports were true, the UK government’s actions amounted to an ”egregious violation” of US citizens’ privacy.The Home Office notice, which cannot lagligt offentligt offentliggjordes, utfärdades till Apple enligt Storbritanniens utredningsbefogenheter i januari. MMS Gabbard tillade att hon också sökte juridisk rådgivning om Storbritannien hade åsidosatt ett avtal mellan IT och USA: s inte att kräva data som tillhör varandras medborgare. I svaret på hemmakontoret, förra veckan, Apple Pulled sitt toppnivå privatis, avancerade data, från det brittiska marknaden. Dokument som de har lagrat online genom en process som kallas kryptering från slutet till slut. This is something it says it will never do.Apple’s UK users’ data remains encrypted in the UK but at a level which means it can be accessed by the tech giant if served with a warrant.The letter to Senator Ron Whyden and Representative Andy Biggs which has now been published online, Tulsi Gabbard said she first read about the notice in the media and had not been informed beforehand by either the UK or by Apple.Apple did not comment. Hemmakontoret har kontaktats av BBC.