- 2025-03-14
Apple -krypterat dataradfall börjar i hemlighet

Apples krypterade datafall mot den brittiska regeringen har börjat hemligt vid de kungliga domstolarna. groups and some US politicians – argue the case should be heard in public.But Friday’s session of the Investigatory Powers Tribunal – which is hearing the matter – was held behind closed doors.It is not clear whether later phases of the case will be opened to the public – the BBC has submitted a written argument that it should be.As well as the BBC, journalists from the Guardian, the Telegraph, PA, Bloomberg, and Computer Weekly attended the Royal Courts av rättvisa men antogs inte i rättsrummet. ”Kränk till de globala integritets- och säkerhetsfrågor som diskuteras.” Fallet handlar om att balansera nationell säkerhet mot integritetsrättigheter. ADP är slut till slutkrypterad, vilket betyder att ingen kan komma åt filer som har säkrats med det bortsett från deras ägare. Övrigt slut till slutkrypterade tjänster i Storbritannien inkluderar signal, metas whatsapp och Apple’s imessage. powers granted to it under the Investigatory Powers Act.The Act allows it to compel firms to provide information to law enforcement agencies.Apple responded by pulling ADP in the UK and then launching legal action to challenge the government’s demand.Apple says agreeing to what the UK is asking for it would require the creation of a so-called backdoor, a capability critics say would eventually be exploited by hackers.”As we have said many times before, we have never built a backdoor or master key to any of our products or services and we never will,” Apple says on its website.The Home Office has previously told the BBC: ”The UK has a longstanding position of protecting our citizens from the very worst crimes, such as child sex abuse and terrorism, at the same time as protecting people’s privacy.”The UK has robust safeguards and independent oversight to protect privacy and privacy is only impacted on an exceptional basis, in relation to the De flesta allvarliga brott och bara när det är nödvändigt och proportionellt att göra det. ”